Although the overall church attendance in America is declining “church” is a word that gets the most significant number of searches on Google around Easter and Christmas. This is one of the most amazing opportunities for churches to attract new visitors. Since people look for churches online anyway, we should do all we can to help them make it to church during Christmas season.
Not only out Christmas church websites are supposed to help new people find a church. They should also serve as a tool Christians can use to invite their friends. According to LifeWay Research among Americans who do not attend church at Christmastime 57% would be willing to attend if somebody they knew asked them to church.
The opportunity is there so let’s take a closer look at our list of church websites that serve people well during Christmas time.
Bridge Church
The idea for the top bar Bridge has on their Christmas page is outstanding. It allows every user to share the love with others by donating to Christmas gifts online.
Bayside Church
Bayside Church is all about Christmas in December! The design is beautiful, but it gets better when you realize that they even have a redirect from their homepage to a Christmas page.
Church On The Move
The entire Christmas landing page is well designed, but we especially like Kids on the Move section that ensures parents their kids will love Christmas at church.
Crossroads Church
The trailer video is excellent and proves that the statement “no childcare, but your kids will love it” isn’t an exaggeration. You should also check out their music of Awaited.
The Summit Church
While many people notice that the religious aspects of Christmas are declining The Summit Church hold a Week Of Unbroken Prayer that leads up to Christmas.
Marvin United Methodist Church
Multiple events that start in early December are a great way to provide an opportunity to celebrate Christmas for everyone.
Long Hollow Baptist Church
Both the design and animation play out well. The website gives all the essential and necessary information.
Grace Church
Social shareables and Instagram stories templates are a great way to help your church invite others and promote the events.
Ezra Church
The idea of a deeper meaning of Christmas is highlighted so well. It’s also great that Ezra included a short story with a photo of a family that has experienced Christmas with them.
Grace Chapel
There is something for everyone, and we love the idea of promoting Youth Worship Night and Young Adults Christmas Party on the Christmas page.
Irving Bible Church
An Advent sermon series based on the classic hymn “O Holy Night” is an exciting idea.
Southeast Christian Church
Daily advent devotions help people dive deeper into the meaning of Christmas.
Centerpoint Church
It is a great idea to include a personal video invitation from the pastors. Also, the Plan Your Visit pop up from Church Hero with a counter helps people make the decision be a part of the celebration.
GT Church
It is beneficial to be able to send online invites directly from the website –
Saddleback Church
The design is exceptional, and the social shareables are beautiful – who wouldn’t use them to help others find out more about the Christmas at Saddleback?
Eastside Church
The photos from Christmas performance are breath-taking and make you want to be a part of it. The set of invite tools apart from two kinds of graphics also has downloadable videos which are very effective on social media.
Elevation Church
If you are looking for some design inspiration Elevation is always a website you have to check out no matter the season.
Action Church
The red top bar with a clear call to action is an effective way to get people to sign up for Christmas events. The section with what-to-expect information answers all the questions people might have before they come.
Church of the Highlands
The most minimal and well designed Christmas church website.
Doxa Church
Above the header of the homepage and the featured section are all about Christmas.
Liquid Church
Christmas outreach is a great idea and the fact that the registration was full this year proves Liquid Church knows how to share Christmas love.
Christmas Bonus Content sign-up with five things you shouldn’t do to have more fun and less stress!
Next Level Church
Apart from an attractive Christmas landing page, I love the Christmas Mall event to share the love with people in need.