Victory Family Church is 45th fastest growing church in the US and they are a great example of how to get the church website serve the people well. Although their entire church website is worth exploring there are 5 things that really stand out. Get inspired!

1. Domain

Choosing the right domain for your church isn’t always an easy task. We might often feel that the church name as a domain is the way to go. That wouldn’t be the best choice for Victory Family Church because the domain would be pretty long to type and not only that – they would probably have to own multiple domains to ensure people don’t mistype it (actually there are a few churches with the same name and each uses .com, .net. or .org – it doesn’t help much and can cause some confusion. is short, friendly and easy to remember. The church also has a domain which redirects to the main which is great.

2. Homepage

The first thing we noticed was how well the used the video and high-quality photos on the homepage. In fact, that is almost everything you will find on Victory Family Church website homepage – five parallax sections, each with a high quality visual (the video in the top and the photos), simple headlines and a call to action for each section.

3. The header(s) on the website

The first things you will read are three short and actionable statements (Discover…, Meet…, Make…) and they are all others-centered which makes the new visitor feel welcome. We generally love the typography choice on the website.

4. Clear call to action

When you first visit Victory Family Church website you will quickly figure out what to do – come and visit. This is a very clear call to action which you will find on every single page and also “Visit” is the highlighted navigation element.

Once you get to the “Visit” page you will be welcomed by an encouraging header “We can’t wait to meet you”. Just below the header, you will find service time in a big and bold font and four main sections explaining next steps. There is also a contact form for first-time visitors who want to receive more detailed questions and get all the details right to their inbox.

5. Info church website

The main website is simple and clear. You will quickly notice that the target audience are first-time visitors. What about the members then? They do have an access to a separated info church website with information about basically everything a church member might want to know – events, media, giving, ministries and much more.

The design of the info site is primarily for mobile devices but it also works great on desktop computers.


We are totally impressed by Victory Family Church website. The design is clean and simple with a great focus on first-time visitors. There are some other things that make the website stand out:

Is there anything else you like about their website you would like to add to the list? Share your thought in the comment section below and help others.

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